
+386 51 69 44 15


Kolesarske poti različnih težavnostnih stopenj vodijo skozi najlepše kotičke v Julijskih Alpah. Cestno kolesarske, gorsko kolesarske in kolesarske poti za družine privabljajo nešteto kolesarjev po dolini Soče vsako leto.

Gorsko kolesarjenje in e-kolesarjenje je razburljiv, sproščujoč in zdrav šport. Predvsem pa je eden najzanimivejših načinov raziskovanja doline Soče in njenega gorskega ozadja. Za vas imamo pripravljen izbor različnih vodenih MTB in E-kolesarskih tur po Bovcu in dolini Trente.

Številne gozdne poti, ceste in kolovozi ponujajo gorskim kolesarjem neomejene možnosti, medtem ko se manj zahtevni kolesarji lahko zapeljejo po položnejših dolinskih cestah in cestah čez določene planote. 

Tako MTB kot E-bike vodene ture trajajo od 3 do 4 ure. Razdaljo prilagodimo vam in vašim fizičnim zmožnostim. Z običajnim MTB kolesom lahko prekolesarimo od 20 do 35 km ali z E-kolesom od 35 do 60 km, odvisno od vaših želja. Vodeni ogledi so primerni za družine, rekreativce, manjše skupine (max 6 oseb).

POMEMBNO: Ture po dolžini in trajanju individualno prilagodi vodnik!



Našo turo bomo začeli v središču Bovca (agencija Outdoor Galaxy) v smeri slapa Boka. Prečkali bomo most Log Čezsoški čez reko Sočo in pot nadaljevali po levem bregu reke Soče proti dolini Trente mimo vasi Čezsoča in si kasneje ogledali tudi nekaj visečih mostov, kjer bomo imeli krajše postanke. Lepo urejena makadamska cesta nas pripelje do čarobne doline Lepena, kjer bomo lahko občudovali sotesko reke Soče in vodno sotesko Šunik. Našo kolesarsko avanturo bomo zaokrožili v smeri pod hribom Svinjak mimo vasi Kal Koritnica in reke Koritnice ter nadaljevali pot proti središču Bovca.

Če se boste odločili za vodeno turo z e-kolesom, običajno turi dodamo razgledišče Javoršček, lokalno vaško cesto od Lepene do vasi Soča in na koncu izleta prekolesarimo vse do dolina Bavšica.

MTB VODEN ogled:

Cena: od 55€ na osebo (izposoja kolesa ni vključena), cena poldnevnega najema kolesa je 20€ na osebo (čelada vključena)

Cena najema kolesa: 20€ na osebo za dan


Cene: od 55€ na osebo/2 udeleženca; 40€ na osebo/4 udeležence; 30€ na osebo/6 udeležencev (izposoja kolesa ni vključena!)

Cena najema kolesa: 45€ na osebo za dan

POMEMBNO: Najboljši čas za kolesarske ture: od aprila do konca septembra!


Naša priporočila

Športna oblačila in obutev, plastenka vode/pijače, majhen nahrbtnik za pijačo ali prigrizke, krema za sončenje v vročem sončnem vremenu

Álvaro Grimal Cabello
09:49 13 Jan 25
From the first email that we sent to the agency we felt really welcome. The transfer from Villach HBF to Bovec and the mountain tour to Krn lake were nice and really enjoyable. The rafting on Soca river was the highlight of our trip to the Julian Alps. Amazing organization!
Dejana Danilovic
17:51 10 Jan 25
Great agency. Went beyond and above to help us arrange all the transfers in Soca valley and our 3-day hike in Triglav National Park, our water activities on Soca river. Lots of experiences and great tips for dinners and sightseeing points in the valley.
09:04 08 Jan 25
Very friendly and professional service. Did the Julian Alps guided tour. Saw some amazing nature wonders, beautiful lakes, rivers and waterfalls...and the most important thing the mountains of Julian Alps. Amazing part of Slovenia that must be visited!
Marko Mladjenovic
21:28 06 Jan 25
We did the Bovec E-bike guided tour and saw so many interesting points on our way such as Virje and Boka waterfall, some suspension bridges over Soca river and Soca gorge with great Lepena valley. I can say the best way to explore Soca valley for sure. Do not miss the adventure with E-bikes when visiting the valley!
Ignacio Martín
16:04 28 Nov 24
We had a tour from Bled hotel Triglav to Soca valley and all around Julian Alps with an exceptional driver and tour guide Miha. He told us so many things about the places we visit in Soca valley such us Soca gorge, Waterfall Kozjak, fortress Kluze, history of WW1, Slovenia and their history. We were travelling as a family and had such an amazing time with Discover Soca Tours.
Dani Castillo
12:35 17 Oct 24
We arranged an extensive tour that showed us parts of Slovenia we would never have discovered ourselves. Our tour guide Miha was an amazing driver and very knowledgeable with the history of the areas we visited. Our highlights were Trenta valley with Soca gorge, the Italian WW1 trenches and Tolmin gorge. We also really enjoyed the Goriska brda wine tasting experience. An experience we will never forget thanks to Miha.
13:15 15 Oct 24
Really enjoyed the Soca valley guide tour with Mateja, she kept us organised and gave us good information about each stop. Visited many stunning places that it was not easy to get to by public transport in a short trip. Activities felt safe and well organised - I’d never tried rafting before and it was a lot of fun. Really worth booking.
Great tour through the Triglav National Park with a highlight being rafting on the Soca. Great guide Miha with perfect English, very polite and friendly. You always feel safe and well looked after. Always happy to do it again, worth the money for anyone who doesn't have their own car.
Nedim Solbic
19:59 27 Sep 24
I had a wonderful day with Miha on the Soca valley guided tour. So many beautiful views around the Triglav National Park and the rafting was so much fun! I booked this adventure as a solo traveler but made friends with everyone fast and definitely recommend for solo travelers, couples and small groups.
Wendy Merrington
08:58 20 Sep 24
We did the rafting and our guide, Necari, was fantastic! Our driver, Gilmer, was also very helpful and friendly. What an amazing experience! Absolutely beautiful environment and great fun. Don't skip a rafting tour on the Soča River!
Stacey Neathery
19:07 11 Sep 24
Our group of 3 had an amazing tour with Miha. We saw all the major highlights of the area and Miha took amazing photos of our group! Two of us had never ridden an e-bike and Miha did a great job ensuring we felt comfortable on the bikes and tailored the path to our level. We were delighted with how far we rode and the places we visited. 10 out 10 would do it again!!
Željka Dobras
15:51 25 Aug 24
We had a fabulous e-bike tour with our guide Miha! He took great care of us and personalized our experience perfectly! He is very knowledgeable, helpful, caring and delightful to spend time with! We couldn’t have been happier with our experience. We did a lot of stops on the way and Miha showed us many beautiful places that Soca valley has to offer, such us waterfalls, gorges and many more…We highly recommend the tour!
13:43 05 Aug 24
It was super organized. Great fun for old and young.
Charlene Jimenez
14:08 21 Jul 24
Great guide who kindly arranged all of our activities at Soca Valley….. kids loved it and we had the best time. Miha is a great guy who accommodated all our needs and he personally took us on a great bicycle tour with pit stops to refresh in the river which we thoroughly enjoyed!!Definitely recommend Discover Soca Tours if you are at Soca Valley, on our last night he turned up to join us for a drink at our hotel and handed us a little gift, a lovely gesture on his behalf .Thanks Miha !! You are the best !!
Alex Hope
19:58 18 Jul 24
Miha is an outstanding guide and we have three amazing days trekking in Triglav national park with him. He planned an amazing trip, took care of us every step of the way and provided lots of laughs and insights … highly highly recommended
Olja Rakulj
19:17 28 Feb 24
We did the Soca valley day tour from Goriška brda and we enjoyed the tour very much. Seen a lot of the Julian Alps, the fortress of Kluze, Soca river with the big gorge and beautiful waterfalls of Virje and Boka. If you are in the region I recommend the day tour to Soca valley a lot!
Renato Projer
14:26 24 Feb 24
We spent one week in the valley and Miha and Mateja took a very good care of everything that we did and saw. Went rafting, took a guided tour of Soca valley and a transfer to Trieste airpirt. Enjoyed the Soca valley a lot!
Gabriel Rajower
09:59 18 Feb 24
My girlfriend and I took a guided tour of the Julian Alps, we were in Bled, but they came to pick us up and we did this beautiful tour. We saw amazing waterfalls, large lakes, some incredible mountain scenery and finally the amazing Soca River with its gorge. This incredible nature is worth seeing.
Bettina Birk
09:53 14 Feb 24
The agency organised our outdoor vacation in Soça valley. They organised the transfer from Venice airport to Bovec and back. We also went on a rafting tour, did a biking tour around Soça valley and went ziplining. Perfect holidays and great organisation!
Johanna Gaßmann
11:17 09 Feb 24
We took a private tour through the Soča Valley and it was a great experience. We marveled at many waterfalls and the Soča River. Thank you for the great time and the great explanations of everything. We will be back!
Stefania Regueira
15:28 25 Dec 23
We visited the valley with the family and we took the guided tour of Bovec and Kobarid. We were amazed by the beautiful river Soca and all the waterfalls like Kozjak, Boka and Virje. You need to visit Soca valley when in Slovenia!
Sonja Matic
18:36 02 Dec 23
We took a guided tour of Bovec and Trenta valley and we enjoyed the tour a lot. Great experience when visiting Soca valley.
Stephen Berenson
13:43 30 Jun 23
Had a wonderful hike with Mateja. She’s smart, thoughtful, delightfully chatty, knowledgeable, athletic and fun to be around.
Mark & Lindsay
06:44 27 May 23
We could not have been happier with our tour with Mateja! We only had one day in the Soča valley and she planned a tour to make sure we saw as much as possible. We had lunch in a charming town, went to a natural wine shop, and had the most magical day exploring. We learned so much from Mateja, and she went above and beyond by sharing photos and tips for the rest of our trip after the tour as well. We wish we had more time here and would recommend Discover Soča to anyone looking for the best experience with a local guide. THANK YOU!
Jasmine Hall
15:14 21 Apr 23
Thank you Discover Soĉa Tours & Transfers for organising such an unforgettable experience! From the first email to the final goodbye, I felt well supported and looked after by Mateja and Miha.As a young female solo traveller, travelling in off season, it would have been impossible to see everything I wanted using public transport. Thankfully, Mateja and Miha were able to adapt to my budget and make my dreams a reality!My objective was to see the highlights of the Soĉa Valley, and we did just that (and more!). From visiting incredible natural gems to trying local Slovenian cuisine, together, we certainly achieved a lot across a 3 day transfer and tour itinerary.Having a knowledgeable and friendly guide like Mateja really made the whole experience even more amazing. You can tell she is very passionate about her country, its traditions and its people, so I learnt so much more than I could have than by doing it on my own (plus, it is always nice to have someone there to take pictures of you!).If you are wanting to experience the Soĉa Valley to its fullest potential, Discover Soĉa Tours & Transfers is the perfect fit for you. Save the stress of renting a car and instead, sit back and enjoy being looked after.
20:29 15 Apr 23
Evelin Gruber
09:36 22 May 19
Soča valley is absolutely amazing if you are an adrenaline frick. We used Hotel Boka as our base and Miha form the agency in the hotel arrange some of the activities for us. The highlight was for sure the canyon Fratarica. Don't miss it!